Keep Carter County Beautiful is an affiliate of
Keep Tennessee Beautiful and Keep America
Please support our community partners!!
You can visit our partners websites by clicking on the logos below.
City of Elizabethton Parks and Recreation Department
City of Elizabethton Storm Water Management Department
Stormwater Illicit Discharge Reporting E-Form
Carter County, Tennessee (cartercountytn.gov)
Welcome to City of Elizabethton, Tennessee
Keep Tennessee Beautiful (keeptnbeautiful.org)
Keep America Beautiful (kab.org)
Keep the Tennessee River Beautiful (keeptnriverbeautiful.org)
Overmountain Chapter of Trout Unlimited (omtu.org)
Elizabethton/Carter County Chamber of Commerce (elizabethtonchamber.com)
Chapters | Volunteer Locally for the Environment (citizensclimatelobby.org)
Hoffman Composting – Hoffman Composting – Johnson City, TN
As a state-permitted Tier II Composting Facility, Hoffman Composting accepts ALL food scraps, including meat, cheese, bones, etc. You can drop off scraps whenever the gate is open (noon to 5pm, Wednesday through Friday). There are labelled rollcarts to the right as you come in the gate. (No plastic wrap, foil, etc. please!)